Here are some of my poems from my debut poetry book "written by a SOFT SOUL" which you can find here

Written by a Soft Soul is a collection of poems that explores the themes of gentleness, love, brokenness, self-love, and healing. It celebrates the power and beauty of kindness and compassion. expresses the joys and sorrows of romantic relationships, acknowledges the wounds and scars that life leaves behind, but also the resilience and grace that emerge from them. Furthermore, it affirms the importance of self-care and self-acceptance and offers a vision of hope and healing for the poet and the world. The poetry book invites the reader to embrace their own softness and strength and to find healing in their own words.




My soul speaks a language
which most people can neither speak nor understand.




How can I be so soft on everyone yet so hard on myself?
Why do I feel like I deserve it?
Why do I always forgive everyone for everything except myself?




If trees were as rare as shooting stars
would people gasp at the sight of woods?
Would they make a wish when they find one
or trade its branches like precious goods?
Would they cherish a fallen leaf
like a star that dropped from the sky?
Or would I still be the only one
to stop and stare as if they were rare?




My overthinking soul
craves someone who loves deeply
and shows it.




You say I’m too much
that it feels like you’re drowning
but maybe I’m an ocean
and you’re not used to the motion
you’re used to shallow lakes
but that doesn’t mean I’m too much
maybe it just means that you can’t swim that well
or maybe you just like lakes better.




Every other night I promise myself
to organize a self-care day,
I would paint my toenails,
peel my skin,
bake a cake for myself
and eat it while rewatching my favorite TV show,
and every day I find something more important to do,
like buying groceries, cleaning,
and cooking anyone's favorite meal but mine.
I noticed that the problem with acting
like everything is more important than yourself
is that everything becomes more important than yourself.




 Want to read more? Click here.

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